Showing posts with label Motivational status. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational status. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Motivational and Inspiring Status Quotes for WhatsApp

Posted by Richard
Get inspired, get motivated… sometimes when you are feeling low, you need these status quotes to show your mood. Set one of these as your whatsapp status, and keep your friends motivated as well.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

Be who you are, not who the world wants you to be.

If you’ve never tried, how will you ever know if there’s any chance?

It’s just a reminder that we are stronger than we thought possible.

If you don’t give up, you still have a chance.

Giving up is the greatest failure.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

God answers when you least expect it.
Keep on dreaming…

You can’t have a better tomorrow, If you are still thinking about yesterday.

One of the happiest moment in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.

Nothing worth having comes easy.

Painfull Shayari whatsapp status

To be happy, Decide every morning that you are in a good mood.

What we think, we become!

It’s not the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry it.

Whoever it happy, will make others happy too Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.

Life is a journey, not a race.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit
Keep moving forward.

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Get Also: Shayari whatsapp status
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Motivational and Inspiring Status Quotes for WhatsApp

Posted by Richard
You want to start your day with Motivation Quotes?Well, Good News for You...! I have collected Top 100 Motivational Quotes for You. Which you can use on Facebook and WhatsApp etc.  You will find many answers of your query, which will help you to keep on doing whatever you're doing. Always Dream Big and Stay Cool! and Remember, Do not stop till you reach your Goal! Wish You Success...

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

Be who you are, not who the world wants you to be.

If you’ve never tried, how will you ever know if there’s any chance?

It’s just a reminder that we are stronger than we thought possible.

If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

God answers when you least expect it.

Keep on dreaming…

You can’t have a better tomorrow, If you are still thinking about yesterday.

One of the happiest moment in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.

Nothing worth having comes easy!

To be happy, Decide every morning that you are in a good mood.

What we think, we become!

It’s not the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry it.

Whoever it happy, will make others happy too

Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.

Life is a journey, not a race

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit

Keep moving forward →

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Get also;cool whatsappstatus
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Thursday, 6 October 2016

Latest Motivational Whatsapp Status in Hindi n English

Posted by Richard
Hindi Whatsapp Status. /. Motivational Hindi Quotes & Whatsapp Status. Hindi Whatsapp Status, Motivational Whatsapp Status .Motivation is very important thing of a person's life.If you're not motivated then you can not do anything .So today I am sharing best Motivational Whatsapp Status.I am sure that your friends will be motivated after reading these Whatsapp status.You can checkout the best Motivated Whatsapp Status below.The list of best motivation status is given below

101 प्रेरणादायक Whats App Status in Hindi

1 :- आसान है !!!
2 :- भगवान के भरोसे मत बैठिये क्या पता भगवान आपके भरोसे बैठा हो…
3 :- सफलता का आधार है सकारात्मक सोच और निरंतर प्रयास !!!
4 :- आओ मिलकर ख़ुशियाँ बांटे !!!
5 :- मेहनत इतनी खामोशी से करो की सफलता शोर मचा दे…
6 :- कामयाब होने के लिए अकेले ही आगे बढ़ना पड़ता है, लोग तो पीछे तब आते है जब हम कामयाब होने लगते है.
7 :- छोड़ दो किस्मत की लकीरों पे यकीन करना, जब लोग बदल सकते हैं तो किस्मत क्या चीज़ है…
8 :- यदि हार की कोई संभावना ना हो तो जीत का कोई अर्थ नहीं है…
9 :- समस्या का नहीं समाधान का हिस्सा बने…
10 :- जिनको सपने देखना अच्छा लगता है उन्हें रात छोटी लगती है और जिनको सपने पूरा करना अच्छा लगता है उनको दिन छोटा लगता है…
11 :- आप अपना भविष्य नहीं बदल सकते पर आप अपनी आदतें बदल सकते है और निशचित रूप से आपकी आदतें आपका भविष्य बदल देगी !
12 :- एक सपने के टूटकर चकनाचूर हो जानें के बाद दूसरा सपना देखने के हौसले को ज़िंदगी कहते है !!!
13 :- वो सपने सच नहीं होते जो सोते वक्त देखें जाते है, सपने वो सच होते है जिनके लिए आप सोना छोड़ देते है…
14 :- सफलता का चिराग परिश्रम से जलता है !!!
15 :- जिनके इरादे बुलंद हो वो सड़कों की नहीं आसमानो की बातें करते है…
16 :- सत्य परेशान हो सकता है पराजित नहीं…
17 :- मैं तुरंत नहीं लेकिन निश्चित रूप से जीतूंगा…
18 :- सबसे बड़ा रोग क्या कहेंगें लोग…
19 :- आशावादी हर आपत्तियों में भी अवसर देखता है और निराशावादी बहाने !!!
20 :- आप में शुरू करने की हिम्मत है तो, आप में सफल होने के लिए भी हिम्मत है…
21 :- सच्चाई वो दिया है जिसे अगर पहाड़ की चोटी पर भी रख दो तो बेशक रोशनी कम करे पर दिखाई बहुत दूर से भी देता है.
22 :- संघर्ष में आदमी अकेला होता है, सफलता में दुनिया उसके साथ होती है ! जिस जिस पर ये जग हँसा है उसी उसी ने इतिहास रचा है.
23 :- खोये हुये हम खुद है और ढूढ़ते ख़ुदा को है !!!
24 :- कामयाब लोग अपने फैसले से दुनिया बदल देते है और नाकामयाब लोग दुनिया के डर से अपने फैसले बदल लेते है…
25 :- भाग्य को और दूसरों को दोष क्यों देना जब सपने हमारे है तो कोशिशें भी हमारी होनी चाहियें !!!
26 :- यदि मनुष्य सीखना चाहे तो उसकी प्रत्येक भूल उसे कुछ न कुछ सिखा देती है !!!
27 :- झूठी शान के परिंदे ही ज्यादा फड़फड़ाते है तरक्की के बाज़ की उड़ान में कभी आवाज़ नहीं होती…
28 :- समस्या का सामना करें, भागे नहीं, तभी उसे सुलझा सकते हैं…
29 :- परिवर्तन से डरना और संघर्ष से कतराना मनुष्य की सबसे बड़ी कायरता है.
30 :- सुंदरता और सरलता की तलाश चाहे हम सारी दुनिया घूम के कर लें लेकिन अगर वो हमारे अंदर नहीं तो फिर सारी दुनिया में कहीं नहीं है.
31 :- ना किसी से ईर्ष्या ना किसी से कोई होड़, मेरी अपनी मंज़िलें मेरी अपनी दौड़…
32 :- ये सोच है हम इंसानों की कि एक अकेला क्या कर सकता है, पर देख ज़रा उस सूरज को वो अकेला ही तो चमकता है !!!
33 :- लगातार हो रही सफलताओं से निराश नहीं होना चाहिए क्योंकि कभी कभी गुच्छे की आखिरी चाबी भी ताला खोल देती है…
34 :- जल्द मिलने वाली चीजें ज्यादा दिन तक नहीं चलती और जो चीजें ज्यादा दिन तक चलती है वो जल्दी नहीं मिलती है.
35 :- इंसान तब समझदार नहीं होता जब वो बड़ी बड़ी बातें करने लगे, बल्कि समझदार तब होता है जब वो छोटी छोटी बातें समझने लगे…
36 :- सेवा सभी की करना मगर आशा किसी से भी ना रखना क्योंकि सेवा का वास्तविक मूल्य भगवान ही दे सकते है, इंसान नहीं.
37 :- मुश्किल वक्त का सबसे बड़ा सहारा है “उम्मीद” !! जो एक प्यारी सी मुस्कान दे कर कानों में धीरे से कहती है “सब अच्छा होगा” !!
38 :- दुनिया में कोई काम असंभव नहीं, बस हौसला और मेहनत की जरुरत है !!!
39 :- वक्त आपका है चाहे तो सोना बना लो और चाहे तो सोने में गुजार दो, दुनिया आपके उदाहरण से बदलेगी आपकी राय से नहीं…
40 :- बदलाव लाने के लिए स्वयं को बदले…
41 :- सफल व्यक्ति लोगों को सफल होते देखना चाहते है, जबकि असफल व्यक्ति लोगों को असफल होते देखना चाहते है…
42 :- घड़ी सुधारने वाले मिल जाते है लेकिन समय खुद सुधारना पड़ता है !!!
43 :- दुनिया में सब चीज मिल जाती है केवल अपनी ग़लती नहीं मिलती…
44 :- क्रोध और आंधी दोनों बराबर… शांत होने के बाद ही पता चलता है की कितना नुकसान हुवा…
45 :- चाँद पे निशान लगाओ, अगर आप चुके तो सितारों पे तो जररू लगेगा !!!
46 :- गरीबी और समृद्धि दोनों विचार का परिणाम है…
47 :- पसंदीदा कार्य हमेशा सफलता, शांति और आनंद ही देता है…
48 :- जब हौसला बना ही लिया ऊँची उड़ान का तो कद नापना बेकार है आसमान का…
49 :- अपनी कल्पना को जीवन का मार्गदर्शक बनाए अपने अतीत को नहीं…
50 :- समय न लागओ तय करने में आपको क्या करना है, वरना समय तय कर लेगा की आपका क्या करना है.
51 :- अगर तुम उस वक्त मुस्कुरा सकते हो जब तुम पूरी तरह टूट चुके हो तो यकीन कर लो कि दुनिया में तुम्हें कभी कोई तोड़ नहीं सकता !!!
52 :- कल्पना के बाद उस पर अमल ज़रुर करना चाहिए। सीढ़ियों को देखते रहना ही पर्याप्त नहीं है, उन पर चढ़ना भी ज़रुरी है।
53 :- हमें जीवन में भले ही हार का सामना करना पड़ जाये पर जीवन से कभी नहीं हारना चाहिए…
54 :- सीढ़ियां उन्हें मुबारक हो जिन्हें छत तक जाना है, मेरी मंज़िल तो आसमान है रास्ता मुझे खुद बनाना है !!!
55 :- हजारों मील के सफ़र की शुरुआत एक छोटे कदम से होती है…
56 :- मनुष्य वही श्रेष्ठ माना जाएगा जो कठिनाई में अपनी राह निकालता है ।
57 :- पुरुषार्थ से असंभव कार्य भी संभव हो जाता है…
58 :- प्रतिबद्ध मन को कठिनाई का सामना करना पड़ सकता है, पर अंत में उसे अपने परिश्रम का फल मिलेगा ।
59 :- असंभव समझे जाने वाला कार्य संभव करके दिखाये, उसे ही प्रतिभा कहते हैं ।
60 :- आने वाले कल को सुधारने के लिए बीते हुए कल से शिक्षा लीजिए…
61 :- जो हमेशा कहे मेरे पास समय नहीं है, असल में वह व्यस्त नहीं बल्कि अस्त-व्यस्त है ।
62 :- कठिनाइयाँ मनुष्य के पुरुषार्थ को जगाने आती हैं…
63 :- क्रोध वह हवा है जो बुद्धि के दीप को बुझा देती है ।
64 :- आपका भविष्य उससे बनता है जो आप आज करते हैं, उससे नहीं जो आप कल करेंगे…
65 :- बन सहारा बे सहारों के लिए बन किनारा बे किनारों के लिए, जो जिये अपने लिए तो क्या जिये जी सको तो जियो हजारों के लिए ।
66 :- चाहे हजार बार नाकामयाबी हो, कड़ी मेहनत और सकारात्मक सोच के साथ लगे रहोगे तो अवश्य सफलता तुम्हारी है…
67 :- खुद की तरक्की में इतना समय लगा दो, कि किसी और की बुराई का वक्त ही ना मिले !!!
68 :- प्रगति बदलाव के बिना असंभव है, और जो अपनी सोच नहीं बदल सकते वो कुछ नहीं बदल सकते…
69 :- खुशी के लिए काम करोगे तो ख़ुशी नहीं मिलेगी, लेकिन खुश होकर काम करोगे, तो ख़ुशी और सफलता दोनों ही मिलेगी ।
70 :- पराजय तब नहीं होती जब आप गिर जाते हैं, पराजय तब होती है जब आप उठने से इनकार कर देते हैं ।
71 :- मन बुद्ध जैसा और दिल बच्चों जैसा होना चाहिए !!!
72 :- अगर भरोसा उपरवाले पे है तो जो लिखा है तकदीर में वही पाओगे, मगर भरोसा अगर खुद पे है तो वो वही लिखेगा जो आप चाहेंगे ।
73 :- कोशिश करने की हिम्मत ना होनी यही सही अर्थ में निष्फलता है…
74 :- अतीत के ग़ुलाम नहीं बल्कि भविष्य के निर्माता बनो…
75 :- सफलता हमारा जन्मसिद्ध हक़ है और इसे पाने के लिए ही हमारा जन्म हुआ है !!!
76 :- सफलता तो आप द्वारा सोचे गए विचार का अंतिम परिणाम है…
77 :- अधूरी जानकारी डर का कारण है, पर्याप्त समझ निर्भयता लाती है !!!
78 :- हमेशा लक्ष्य के साथ रहने वाले लोग सफल होते है, क्योंकि उन्हें पता होता है की कहा जाना चाहते हैं ।
79 :- अच्छा परिणाम चाहते हो ? फिर अच्छे विचार करो…
80 :- सपने देखने और नए लक्ष्य रखने के लिए आप कभी उम्र दर्राज नहीं होते !!!
81 :- ज़माना जब भी मुझे मुश्किल में डाल देता है, मेरा रब हजारों रास्ते निकाल देता है !!!
82 :- बार बार विफलता मिले तो निराश मत हो, महान वैज्ञानिक एडीसन सफल होने से पहले 10,000 बार विफल हुये थे ।
83 :- प्रत्येक विफलता में लाभों के बीज होते हैं…
84 :- जो लोग संघर्ष से नहीं कतराते, जीत हमेशा उनकी ही होती है !!!
85 :- विजेता होने के लिए आवश्यक है स्पष्ट लक्ष्य और इसे प्राप्त करने की प्रबल इच्छा…
86 :- असफलता की चिंता मत करो, बल्कि बिना कोशिश किये खोयें अवसरों की चिंता करो ।
87 :- समस्याओं से मत डरो वे आपको तोड़ने नहीं बल्कि मजबूत बनाने आती है…
88 :- अगर आप पराजय से कुछ सीखते है तो पराजय भी आपका कुछ नुकसान नहीं कर सकता !!!
89 :- भाग्य के भरोसे बैठे रहने वाले आलसी हमेशा पराजय को गले लगाता है ।
90 :- असफलता केवल यह सिद्ध करती है कि सफलता का प्रयत्न पूरे मन से नहीं हुआ…
91 :- बिना तय मंज़िल के राह पर भटकना व्यर्थ है…
92 :- चुनौतियों को चुनौती दो तो वह डराना बंद कर देंगी…
93 :- पसीने की स्याही से जो लिखते है अपने इरादों को, उनके मुक़द्दर के पन्ने कभी कोरे नहीं हुआ करते !!!
94 :- जीवन दिन काटने के लिए नहीं, कुछ महान कार्य करने के लिए है ।
95 :- कठिन समय की चुनौती केवल धैर्य और हिम्मत से जीती जा सकती है !!!
96 :- अगर आप असफल होगें तो शायद आप निराश ही होगें लेकिन आप कोशिश ही नहीं करोगे तो आप गुनहगार होंगे…
97 :- छोटे छोटे परिवर्तन ही बड़े बदलाव की नींव रखते है !!!
98 :- क्यों डरे जिंदगी में क्या होगा? हर वक्त क्यों सोचे कि बुरा होगा, बढ़ते रहें मंजिलों की और हम, कुछ भी न मिला तो क्या? तजुर्बा तो नया होगा ।
99 :- सफलता साहस पूर्वक काम करने वाले के पास जाती है, यह कायरों के पास नहीं जाती है…
100 :- सामना करने से ही समस्याओं का समाधान मिलता है न कि उनसे भाग कर…
101 :- जीवन में दो ही व्यक्ति असफल होते है, जो सोचते है पर करते नहीं दूसरे वे जो करते तो है, पर सोचते नहीं…

Get Also:Best Love Quotes for her in Hindi

Get Also:Funny Adult Jokes for Whatsapp Messages ,Status {Updated}

Motivational Status, Short Motivational Quotes motivational-status-short-motivational-quotes-whatsapp-facebook-messages

  • Right‬ or ‪Wrong‬ doesn't ‪‎exist‬! When u have a ‪‎CONFIDENCE‬. 
  • Be bold to own your mistakes in Life, accept your faults and improve your personality. 
  • Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.
  • Great things never come from comfort zones. 
  • Life doesn't give you what you want. It gives you what you work for. 
  • Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. 
  • Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try..... 
  • It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up. 
  • Tough times don't last, but tough people do. 
  • Decision defines destiny.. 
  • All you need to change is will. 
  • Never, never, never, never give up. 
  • Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest. 
  • You never fail until you stop trying. 
  • Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger. 
  • The harder you fall, the higher you bounce. 
  • Whether you Think you can, or think you can't you're always right. 
  • The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows. 
  • Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win. 
  • Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. 
  • If you want your life to be meaningful go out and do something about it. 
  • Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. 
  • SUCCESS belongs only to those who are willing to work harder than anyone else. 
  • If you believe in yourself, things are possible. 
  • If you don't go after what you want, you will never have it. 
  • Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. 
  • Pearls don't lie on the sea shore. If you want one, you must dive for it. 
  • The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. 
  • There is always a little more toothpaste in the tube. Think about it. 
  • People know you for what you've done, not for what you plan to do. 
  • One day your entire life will flash in front of your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching 
  • It doesn't matter how many times you fall, what counts is how many times you stand up again. 
  • patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. 
  • Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. 
  • Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor. 
  • You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. 
  • Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. 
  • Live like a candle which burns itself but gives light to others. 
  • Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep. 
  • We all have problems; the way we solve them is what makes us different. 
  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. 
  • You'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be. 
  • Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other. 
  • Sorrow is a fruit; God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to bear it. 
  • Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. 
  • If you're not doing the things that you love, then your life is not worth living. What are you here for? 
  • Once you learn to be happy alone you won't tolerate anyone who can't make you just as happy. 
  • If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem wonderful at all. 
  • Life is always up and down, so why are you worried when you are at the bottom; the next place is up. 
  • You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal. 

नमस्कार प्यारे भाइयों और बहनों. मैं आप सब को Aasaan Hai की और से एक नम्र विनंती करता हूँ की अगर आप के पास हिंदी में कोई Motivational Stories, Success Stories या Inspirational Quotes है तो आप हमें इस E–Mail Id : पे ज़रुर भेजे. पसंद आने पर हम यहाँ आपके नाम और पते के साथ Article Post करेंगे. मैं आशा करता हूँ आप हमें ज़रुर सहयोग करेंगे. धन्यवाद. 🙂

प्रिय मित्रों आपको यह 101 Latest Motivational Whatsapp Profile Status in Hindi कैसे लगे वो Comment के माध्यम से ज़रुर ज़रुर बताइयेगा. 🙂
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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Inspirational Status Updates for whatsapp: Motivational Whatsapp status

Posted by Richard
You want to start your day with Motivation Whatsapp Status and Quotes? I have compiled here Top list of Motivational Whatsapp status for you that may use not only on your Whatsapp profile, but also on other social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter, and others. As you all know that motivations are very much essential in everyone’s life, even though you are working in a small organization or big, running your own business or someone else, motivations are needed by everyone. The people who are not motivated can’t do anything right in their life because motivations comes from the inspirations that’s why today we are sharing some unique motivational status for Whatsapp profile and we are very sure once you updated your status with these quotes, you will inspire all your friends along with yourself.

BEST  Whatsapp Status  and quotes WHATSAPP 2016-2017

  • Life is always up and down, so why it worries you when you’re at the bottom; The next place is up.
  • A plan to build a house is necessary. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.
  • Trying and doing are two different things. When trying, waiting. When you do, you succeed.
  • If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
  • Mistakes teach important lessons Whenever you encounter one, there is a step closer to your goal.
  • Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.
  • The problems are with everyone, it is in us to become the victim or overcome the situation and be successful. (Motivational Whatsapp Status)
  • Without positive attitude, success is called luck. However, with positive attitude, success is called achievement.
  • If you can laugh when completely broken, then there can be nothing that can break the next time.
  • Everything that has a beginning has an end. So the key is to try to enjoy in the middle as much as possible!
  • All you want is out there waiting for you to do. Everything you want also wants you. But we must take steps to
  • achieve it.
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  • $$$$$$ <- My motivation
  • There are many people out there who will tell you that you can not ,,, What we have to do is turn around and say “look at me”
  • Just do not give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I do not think you can go wrong.
  • You are born with nothing, but dies with its name.
  • so that the name should not be a word .. It should be a story ..!
  • Sometimes we do not realize or ur own strengths until someone tries to take advantage of the weaknesses of ur !!!
  • Stone breaks with the last hammer
  • This does not mean that 1 stroke was useless.
  • Success is the result of continuous efforts.
  • You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you do be.- Lou Holtz
  • People who say you can not be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. – George Bernard Shaw
  • His present is the creature of its future.
  • Learn then remove ‘L’.
  • Amateurs … built the ark. (The best Motivational Whatsapp Status)
  • … Professionals built the Titanic.
  • All you have done is not as important as what you do GBATISTE now.-
  • To have a friend you have to be a friend.
  • Train your mind to see the good and positive in every situation.
  • Hope is a waking dream. ~ Aristotle
  • Dream big and dare to fail. ~ Norman Vaughan
  • If you dream it, you can do it. ~ Walt Disney
  • Hope is the heartbeat of the soul. ~ Michelle Horst
  • The men are born to succeed, not fail. ~ Henry David Thoreau
  • To be the best you have to be able to handle the worst. ~ Wilson Kanadi
  • Tough times do not last, but tough people do. (Motivational Whatsapp Status)
  • Decision defines the destination ..
  • All you need is to change the will.
  • Never, never, never, never give up.
  • Do not give up, the principle is always the hardest.
  • You never fail until you stop trying.
  • Anything that brings down, eventually will become stronger.
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New Latest Whatsapp Status Updates

  • The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.
  • Whether you believe you can or believe you can not always right.
  • The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.
  • Everyone has a will to win, but very few have the will to prepare to win.
  • Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.
  • If you want your life meaningful out and do something about it.
  • Motivation is what makes start. Habit is what keeps you going.
  • SUCCESS belongs only to those who are willing to work harder than others.
  • If you believe in yourself, things are possible.
  • If you do not go after what you want, you never have.
  • Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. (Motivational Whatsapp Status)
  • The beads are not on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.
  • The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
  • There is always a little toothpaste in the tube. Think about it.
  • People who know what they’ve done, not what he plans to do.
  • Love is the rhythm of two hearts beating as one.
  • Sometimes love means to stop where we are and start where someone needs us ….
  • The condition of the heart depends on the mind.
  • Sometimes the truth is so hard to bear that rather hear lies.
  • Sometimes you have to be alone to prove he can still stand. (Motivational Whatsapp Status for lonely people)
  • Be yourself, no matter what others think. You have to live your life, not them.
  • The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.
  • Tough times do not last, but tough people do.
  • You should read the state inspired Whatsapp here.
  • Be kind to people not friendly. Who need it most.
  • Do not give up, the principle is always the hardest.
  • A champion is someone up, even when he can not.
  • Everything is okay in the end, if not oh, then it is not the end.
  • To be a champion you have to keep believing in yourself when others stop!
  • Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
  • To succeed, we must first believe that we can.
  • Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
  • You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. (Motivational Whatsapp Status)
  • Always do the best you can. What is now planted, harvested later.
  • One day, your whole life flashes before his eyes. Make sure worth seeing
  • No matter how many times you fall, what counts is the amount of times for again.
  • Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to maintain a good attitude while waiting.
  • Discouragement and failure are two of the safest steps to success.
  • Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor. ( Motivational Whatsapp Status for lazy people)

  • You do not have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
  • Success is simple. Do the right thing the right way, at the right time.
  • He lives like a candle that burns itself but gives light to others.
  • Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep.
  • We all have problems; how they solve them it is what makes us different.
  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.
  • You will never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be.
  • The experience is like life reaches us and teaches us to love and forgive one another.
  • Pain is a fruit; God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to stand.
  • Things may come to those who wait, but only things left by those who hustle. (Motivational Whatsapp Status)
  • If you are not doing the things you like, then your life is not worth living. Why are you here?
  • Once you learn to be happy alone will not tolerate anyone who can not make you just as happy.
  • If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would seem wonderful at all.
  • Tough times don't last, but tough people do.
  • Decision defines destiny..
  • All you need to change is will.
  • Never, never, never, never give up.
  • Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.
  • You never fail until you stop trying.
  • Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger.
  • The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.
  • Whether you Think you can, or think you can't you're always right.
  • The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.
  • Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.
  • Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
  • If you want your life to be meaningful go out and do something about it.
  • Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
  • SUCCESS belongs only to those who are willing to work harder than anyone else.
  • If you believe in yourself, things are possible. 
  • If you don't go after what you want, you will never have it. 
  • Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
  • Pearls don't lie on the sea shore. If you want one, you must dive for it.
  • The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
  • There is always a little more toothpaste in the tube. Think about it.
  • People know you for what you’ve done, not for what you plan to do.
  • One day your entire life will flash in front of your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching
  • It doesn't matter how many times you fall, what counts is how many times you stand up again.
  • patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
  • Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. 
  • Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor.
  • You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
  • Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.
  • Live like a candle which burns itself but gives light to others.
  • Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep.
  • We all have problems; the way we solve them is what makes us different.
  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.
  • You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be.
  • Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other.
  • Sorrow is a fruit; God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to bear it.
  • Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
  • If you're not doing the things that you love, then your life is not worth living. What are you here for?
  • Once you learn to be happy alone you won't tolerate anyone who can't make you just as happy.
  • If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem wonderful at all.
  • Life is always up and down, so why are you worried when you are at the bottom; the next place is up.
  • You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.
  • Trying and Doing are two different things. When you try, you hope. When you do, you succeed.
  • If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
  • Mistakes teach you important lessons, Everytime you encounter one, you’ve a step closer to your goal.
  • Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.
  • Problems are with every one, it is on us to become the victim or overcome the situation and become successful.
  • Without positive attitude, success is called Luck. But with positive attitude, success is called achievement.
  • If you can laugh when you are completely broken,then there can be nothing that can break you next time.
  • Some people pass through our lives in a shorter time frame than we had hoped to teach us things they never could have taught if they stayed.
  • Everything that has a beginning, has an end. So the key is to try to enjoy the in between as much as possible!
  • Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.
  • There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't ,,,What you've got to do is turn around and say "watch me"
  • Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.
  • You are born without anything but You die with Your name. 
  • so that name must not be a word.. It must be a History..!
  • Sometimes u don't realize ur own strengths until someone tries to take advantage of ur weaknesses !!!
  •  Stone is broken with the last stroke of hammer
  • This doesn't mean that 1st stroke was useless.
  • Success is the result of continuous efforts.
  • Don't see others doing better than you,
  • Beat your own records everyday because,
  • Success is a fight between YOU & YOURSELF
  • If you don't go after what you want,you will never have it. 
  • If you don't ask the answer is always NO
  • IF you don't step forward you are always in the same place.
  • All birds find shelter during a rain,
  • But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds,
  • Problems are common,but attitude makes the difference.
  •  Don't think you are Nothing.
  • Don't think you are Everything.
  • But think you are Something.
  • Who can achieve Anything !!
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